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Case studies can be great learning tools and the case study comprised of this ePortfolio is no exception. While it could be used at the beginning of a course for how people learn by introducing students to a real life learning situation and associated methods and theories the suggested lesson plan below uses it halfway through just such a course after students have participated in a significant amount of studying and discovery about how people learn.


Week 7: Lessons from a Case Study: Putting it All Together


Overview and Objectives

Over the last six weeks we have covered a lot of ground, exploring theories of learning from an array of diverse perspectives. We have an understanding of Cognitive Load Theory, and how working memory and short-term memory impact learning and learning design. We have explored the prior knowledge that students bring to every learning situation and just how complex that contribution can be. We have further developed our own understanding of what learning is and how people learn. Now you will consider all of your readings and discussions over the last six weeks as you explore this weeks reading and assignments.


Learning is influenced by a wealth of factors and this week you will explore a case study where much of what we have been learning becomes relevant and observable in a real world setting.


Reading, Listening, and Viewing

  • There will be no additional readings this week. Please take the time to review assigned readings to date.
  • Please follow this link and explore the case study presented: The Recalcitrant Typist (Please note, you will have to login in order to access this portfolio)

Weekly Assignments

Due: Thursday by 11:59pm 


Short Essay: After reviewing the readings we have had up until now and after conducting a thorough exploration of the case study--The Recalcitrant Learner-- write a short informal essay (no citations needed) about a personal learning experience that you have had and can relate to the learner in the study.


Take the time to reflect deeply about the connections you made while reviewing the case. Moments of frustration or tedious boredom. Think about what previous knowledge your brought with you to your own experience and consider how it may have helped you persevere despite the challenges or how it hindered you from completing. Think about how your culture has influenced your own perception of learning and how it may have acted as the lens through which you viewed the study and how it impacted your own learning experience. What other principles might you be able to apply to your learning experience?



Though this is an informal essay, your attention to detail is still important! Grammar and spelling still count! Please no more than 2 pages double-spaced 11 or 12pt Times New Roman or Calibri font.


Discussion Question

This week we are going to try something different! 

Due: Thursday by 11:59pm 


In this online learning environment we do not often get the opportunity to engage in more traditional ways. This week we are going to do just that and utilize the Voice Board instead of the Discussion Board. (Please see folder to the left for details about Voice Board.)


By Thursday at midnight, please go into the Voice Board and narrate your short informal essay. This will be your primary post for the week. Don't forget to give it an interesting title! (Please see folder to the left for tips and hints on authoring a voice board message.)


Due: Sunday by 11:59pm

Please respond to three of your classmates (and keep an eye out for posts that do not have feedback!). 


Your responses should be thoughtful and no more than four minutes in length. Consider these guiding questions as you listen to and respond to your peers:

    • Of the principles mentioned by the narrator are there any you disagree with? Why do you disagree? Are there any principles you feel apply to the learning situation that the narrator left out? What evidence do you have to support your argument?
    • Has the narrator been able to make a compelling case for a learning experience that has changed the way you think about how people learn? What was that moment? And how did it change your perception?
    • If you could go back in time and give advice to the narrator during their learning experience what would you tell them? What principles and theories support the advice you would offer? 



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Notes For Further Consideration


At this point in the course students should be making connections between the material that they have read (principles and theories of learning) and to real life learning situations. Indeed, they should recognize these principles in use when viewing or participating in a learning experience (i.e., the materials at hand, how those materials have been formatted and how the learning experience itself has been presented). Moreover, when assessing a situation or determining a path they should be able to support their arguments through the use of quality research.


In the assignments provided above these are the concepts that should be noted. Deep thinking, making connections and the ability to support their views with sufficient and reliable evidence. Students should be able to ask "Why does this work?" or "Why is this not working?" and lastly, "What can be done to make it better?"





DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.