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Tips and Hints for Narrating a Voice Board Post


  1. Find a time and a place where you can narrate your story free of distractions and noise. 
  2. This is not a race. Speak at a natural pace. Do not rush to get your story out as quickly as possible. (Think about all of those times that someone has left you their phone number on a voice mail, but they have spoken so fast that you had to listen to it three time to understand all the digits!)
  3. Speak clearly and with confidence. (We have learned that we all bring a lot of prior knowledge and value to every learning experience. Part of that prior knowledge is culture. Part of culture is language. Language is diverse. So no matter what language background you bring with you, speak it clearly and speak it confidently!)
  4. Be yourself. Let your personality shine through. 
  5. Have fun! This is a new way to connect with your peers. Enjoy the moment!


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