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Assessment in Education


Assessment and evaluation take different forms depending on the setting, from preschool to graduate school and beyond, each presenting unique opportunities and challenges. Regardless of context, effective assessment serves more than one purpose: as a strategy for improving learning and as a means for verifying that learning has taken place. This course examines principles and practices in assessment for learning and assessment of learning and provides course participants with an opportunity to consider the assessment strategies that are most relevant to their specific educational contexts.


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We all have an idea of what it means to assess. What makes the process of assessment so complex is that many of these competing ideas and concepts have merit. In a world where often a single solution is sought, where there must be one "right" answer, assessment in practice, demands a fluid design where there are many right answers and no guaranteed solution.


What this course has made infinitely clear is that despite the disagreement of what assessment is, how it should occur and how it should be analyzed is that assessment is needed. It is equally clear that those utilizing assessment to measure student progress and improve program and student outcomes is that no matter which methods they choose they must do so with an exceptional amount of care, in order to find those assessments that will provide the most authentic and valuable information possible. 


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Signature Assignment I


This assignment was the first look at what assessment is, what it means. Through an in depth interview I explored this topic with a K-12 education professional and as you will see assessment is a complex concept mixed with great possibiility and equally great challenges.

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Signature Assignment II


A reflection on learning analytics, big data and competency based education which at the connected heart of all three is about improving student learning and student outcomes. This paper seeks to explore these concepts in a positive light that accepts the reality of the flaws, the challenges and the difficulties.

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Signature Assignment III


This third and final assignment is an overview of Landmark College and an evaluation of their First-Year program.

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.