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Culture, Equity, Power, & Influence


Designed to provide an examination of the broad construct of culture and explore how these characteristics impact personal identity, access to education, social mobility, power, and influence. Explores educational institutions as cultural systems and questions concepts at the heart of personal and professional interactions in teaching, learning, curriculum, and administration. Expects students to participate in reflective discussion and begin the personal exploration of their own feelings and experience with culture; to develop competencies spanning cultural and international boundaries; to prepare to be more effective in diverse settings; and to influence and advocate for systemic change.

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There are some classes that you take where you learn but you do not enjoy and then there are some that you enjoy but you do not learn. Then there are those that are a perfect union of deep learning and equally deep enjoyment. 


Furthermore, this is the kind of course that can change your life. It is not a lightning bolt, but rather a slow brewing storm whose clouds you see gathering on some distant horizon, sweeping inexoribly closer as the hours pass. It brings with it cold slanting rain, a low heavy sky and powerful winds; it leaves in its wake a cleansed earth, an expansive view and sense of something having changed. 


And though you may not recognize yourself in this change, you are very much a part of it. Culture, Power, Equity and Influence is not a class that you leave quite the same way that you entered. 

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Signature Assignment

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 Faculty Development Workshop




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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.