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Standard E – Meets Professional Responsibilities



1.  Understands his or her legal and moral responsibilities.


2. Conveys knowledge of and enthusiasm for his/her academic discipline to students.


3.  Maintains interest in current theory, research, and developments in the academic discipline and exercises judgment in accepting implications or findings as valid for application in classroom practice.


4.  Collaborates with colleagues to improve instruction, assessment, and student achievement.


5.  Works actively to involve parents in their child’s academic activities and performance, and communicates clearly with them.


6.  Reflects critically upon his or her teaching experience, identifies areas for further professional development as part of a professional development plan that is linked to grade level, school, and district goals, and is receptive to suggestions for growth.


7.  Understands legal and ethical issues as they apply to responsible and acceptable use of the Internet and other resources.


Attended professional development seminar on bullying in schools.

I am constantly trying to get students enthused about reading. I have even given them some of my own books to read. I also express the importance of knowing how to write well, not just for school, but as a future life skill.


I take information that is discussed in Common Planning and with other teachers and apply those principals and ideas to the classroom. I observe teachers in other classrooms to acquire knowledge of teaching style, understanding and process.


I work with my supervising teacher in preparing assessments, improving instruction and lesson plans and working on issues that affect all of our students.


I have sent home letters, emails and been involved in discussions with parents regarding learning issues in the ELA classroom.


I am always taking suggestions from my supervising teacher and my NU supervisor about ways to improve my instruction, lesson plans and assessments. One thing that I learned early on is to do more scaffolding when presenting instructions to the students. This lesson has served me well since as I now take great effort to make all instruction very explicit. I also plan more time for explanation and student questions. As for professional development there is much to be learned and I hope that once I have the opportunity to work full time I will take further advantage of the professional development available. Currently I am completing my Masters and also my ELL certification.


Whenever the students are in the computer lab I reiterate the fact that they are to stay focused on the subject at hand and are not to be surfing the net or engaging in any inappropriate internet access. I check all internet references for research to make sure that the site is acceptable. I understand that the students have to stay within appropriate parameters when using the Internet for school work.





DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.