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After I watched Adichie’s speech, I realized she publish her first novel 15 years ago and she taught us some really important things. She said luck is very important, but luck is not enough. When you are doing something, you need to be prepared and keep trying. For her, reading, writing, and dreaming are really significant. When her writing is rejected, she will give herself a little of time to be upset and keep trying. There is a saying goes, failure is the mother of success. If we want to succeed, we need to work hard and never lose our confidence. Gender is a big problem in the US right now. The political world is more cruel to women, but we still should keep the ambition. When you are in the world, you should also keep the idea of truth and take a stand for it, take a stand for social justice. It is shamed to die before you take a step that will benefit humanity. It is more important to read books and communicate with others than using social media. And we cannot attack others even online. Every time before we form our opinions, we should engage with the things.

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