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Ocean Dinners poem with plural nouns circled and words that follow this weeks phonics rule changed into plural nouns. The students were then asked to illustrate the poem for meaning. We also read the poem aloud for fluency practice. 

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ELA Sample Lesson Plan

Background or Context


Brief Description of Group: Grade 2, ages 7-8, 20 students (8 boys and 12 girls) Students of varying levels; 3 are on modified reading instruction, 2 are on modified spelling and vocabulary instruction


General Goal(s)/Overall Purpose of Lesson and Relationship to Theme or Unit: Students will continue to develop spelling, reading, and phonics skills.


Why does this learning matter? Phonics and vocabulary are key elements to spelling words correcting in writing and reading words correctly in stories. This learning will allow students to become more fluent readers and more able and expressive writers.


Lesson Plan


Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and Learning Standard(s): Reading Standards: Foundations Skills, Grade 2, Standard 3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and words analysis skills in decoding words. Language Standards: Conventions of Standard English, Grade 2, Standard 1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of  standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking: b. Form and use frequently occurring irregular plural nouns


Specific, Immediate or Short-Term Lesson Objectives: Students will understand the meaning of and usage of 7 new vocabulary words; Students will be able to form plural nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh.


Core Vocabulary: Plural noun, prowl, tremble, scorch, fragile, fragrant, persistent, inventive, brushes, boxes, hisses, buzzes, crunches, fusses, sandwiches, bushes


Materials: Vocabulary cards (with photo and sentence), Dry-erase board, spelling worksheet, vocabulary worksheet, plural nouns poem overhead


Minilesson (Introduce and Model New Knowledge):

Introduce students to 7 new vocabulary words: Words are displayed on vocabulary word poster for students to see

“Who has seen or heard some of these words before?” asking for students to raise their hands if they have

“How many kids know some of these words might mean?” again, asking for hands

Explain that we are going to try to figure out what the words mean using the pictures and the sentences.

Start with the first word and show the picture and read the sentence written on the back of the card. Ask students to take a guess about the meaning of the word using their context clue skills. Work towards a suitable definition using the student’ words to frame the definition. Repeat this for all 7 vocabulary words.

Move to phonics portion of the spelling lesson: Phonics rule will be written on the dry erase board.

Remind students that in order to form the plural of most nouns, add “s,” giving an example “snack à snacks”

Now, we will learn about some plural nouns that have different rules: “To form the plural of nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh, add –es” with an example “fox à foxes”

Have students practice a few words then ask students to form the plural nouns for the words brush, box, hiss, buzz, crunch, fuss, sandwich, and bush” these 8 words will become the remainder of this week’s spelling words.

To practice these plural nouns, display the plural nouns poem on the overhead projector. Remind students that first, you will read the poem out loud. Then, students will read the poem all together (to help build fluency). Then, students will circle the plural nouns in the poem. Then, students will illustrate the poem showing the meaning of the poem (to help build comprehension skills).


Guided Practice:

Students will complete the poem activity. During this time, I will be circling the room to monitor  and conference with students regarding their understanding of the poem.

Students will then need to write down the 15 spelling words in their spelling journals and have a teacher check that they have spelled all 15 correctly to study off of.

When they finish, they will pick up their spelling homework (a list of the 15 spelling words with space to practice writing the words 3 times each) and the vocabulary homework (with space for students to write each of the 7 vocabulary words in a sentence).


Share/Wrap Up:

            “So, if I wanted to ask all of you to go get your lunches, how would I spell the word lunch as a plural noun?”… Student responds “Let me see your thumbs on this spelling rule (Students will show a thumbs up if they get it, a thumbs side-ways if they still need a little practice, and a thumbs down if they do not understand at all). Remind students that we will continue working on this spelling rule throughout the week.


Formative/Ongoing Assessment:

Look for evidence of students writing with the correct usage of plural nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh.

Look for evidence of students using their vocabulary words (keeping a tally on the vocabulary board)


Summative/End of Lesson Assessment:

            Students will pass in their poem assignment.

Students will hand in vocabulary sentences.

Students will have weekly spelling test on Friday.


Possible Challenges: Keeping students on the same pace is often difficult in these types of assignments because of the varying levels of reading and writing in the classroom. Often, students who are not interested in art quickly draw “something” on their poem just to get it done, rather than something detailed that shows me they understood the poem. I should have conversations with these students when they pass in their poem assignment to assure they read with comprehension (need not require them to draw more, students should have multiple ways to express their understanding). If students would like, they can write a sentence of two describing what the poem means rather than drawing or having a conversation with me about it.

            When students move to writing down their spelling words in their journals, some students have a lot of difficulty with penmanship and it can take these students a while to get all 15 written down. I should assure these students that they will have time to complete this later in the day during “to-do” time and they do not need to rush to get it done. Students who finish early can work on plural noun extension activity worksheet which provides students with nouns ending in s, x, , ch, or sh and then calls for students to write the plural noun.


Brief Plans for Next Lesson:

            In our next spelling lesson, students will be building their spelling words using the magnet letters. Students build the word, mix it up, then fix it, and record it on their paper (build, mix, fix, record) This allows for the students to see the words kinesthetically. 



Ocean Dinners




They open up their beaks and throats


For breakfast off the backs of boats.




Some take a dip and dive for brunch,


Some join the passengers for lunch—




Or swoop in low for sneak attacks


On things like peanut butter snacks.




And when they’re in a hungry mood,


Sea gulls love your finger food!




-J. Patrick Lewis


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