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Melisa Lacroix


Hi! My name is Melisa Lacroix and I work as a database administrator in a suburban St. Louis K-12 school district with 4,100 students. I'm enrolled in the Master's of Education Program with a concentration in Learning Analytics.


Unlike most people who work in information technology, I don’t have a degree in computer science.  I have degrees in Political Science and Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia. I’m a writer, a communicator, a designer, and a trainer. And I use technology to help me do all those things. What excites me most is using data to help administrators and teachers make informed decisions to improve student learning. 


I work with our student information system and data visualization software (Tableau) to create dashboards that tell the story of our current demographics, assessment trends, attendance issues, behavior incidents and even visits to the school nurse.  I'm looking forward to how the Learning Analytics program can fill out and enhance my skills and move our district forward in this area.



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