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Hello everyone!


I am back with my last project. If you followed my two  previous projects you probably noticed that there has been a big transformation in my writing  At the beginning of this course I limited myself to describe certain ideas but I wasn’t able to make my own contribution and to connect those ideas to the author we were analyzing. However, throughout the course I have learned to write differently and in my last project I managed to build my own work and to relate it to Paulo Freire. For this third project we are looking at Richard Miller through reading his piece of work The Dark Night of the Soul. One of the things which most caught my attention about this author is how he manages to use different stories to develop his own ideas and conclusions. I see Miller as the most critical author within the three we have analyzed throughout the semester. This makes me want to raise the following question in this project:


What is the power of being a critical reader or writer?


I believe there is not just one type of person and consequently there is not just one type of reader. In this course I have learned to become critical and thoughtful but what are the benefits of being critical?


I hope you enjoy my project and please feel free to leave any comments because I find them really useful!

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